Conservation Services
Conservation Planning
Let me help you plan your conservation related project. From wetland development, prairie restoration, mixed woodland management, and riparian health improvement, I can provide you with the information you’ll need to plan the steps to make your project a success.
Grant Writing
Grant writing is a time consuming undertaking, but also so important to fund projects and work towards meeting conservation goals. I can help with drafting narratives that highlight how a project will meet priority conservation measures based on science-backed strategic planning efforts, prepare budgets and restoration schedules, and ensure that applications are finalized and submitted by important deadlines.
Restoration implementation
From the first treatment of a restoration project through successful completion of the work, I provide all of the services necessary to complete projects ranging from wetland development to native diverse prairie restoration, mixed forest and woodland enhancement, and diverse and robust riparian rehabilitation. The success of a restoration project hinges on executing appropriate treatments at crucial times across seasons and over years, which I can provide no matter the complexity of the site and project.